Application Description
Caro-Gomoku-Renju: A Five-in-a-Row Game with Powerful AI
This app offers four popular five-in-a-row game variations:
- Gomoku Freestyle: The first player to achieve an unbroken line of five or more stones horizontally, vertically, or diagonally wins.
- Caro (Blocked Rule - Gomoku+): Victory requires an unbroken line of five stones, but lines blocked on both ends (e.g., XOOOOOX) don't count. This rule is especially popular in Vietnam.
- Gomoku Standard: Similar to Freestyle, but overlines (lines of six or more stones) don't win the game.
- Renju: To balance the inherent advantage of the first player (Black), Renju incorporates additional rules restricting Black's moves:
- No Double Threes: Black cannot create two separate three-stone lines.
- No Double Fours: Black cannot create two separate four-stone lines.
- No Overlines: Black cannot create a line of six or more stones.
The app features an exceptionally strong AI opponent with adjustable difficulty levels, ranging from easy to extremely challenging. You can also play against a friend.
Key Features:
- Zoom in/out functionality
- Two-player mode and AI mode
- Last move and threat line highlighting
- Unlimited undo capability
Version 4.0.4 (May 18, 2024): Bug fixes.
Co Caro - Gomoku - Renju Screenshots