25 2025-01Marvel's "Mystic Mayhem" Soft Launches in Select Countries
Marvel Mystic Mayhem手游软发布登陆澳大利亚、加拿大、新西兰和英国! 这款游戏让你集结魔法型漫威英雄团队,对抗噩梦的势力。游戏拥有独特的视觉效果,并招募了更多来自漫威漫画中鲜为人知的英雄。 2025年伊始,继《漫威对决》之后,你可能会误以为漫威游戏改编暂时告一段落。但对于那些在移动端感到有些落寞的玩家来说,现在可以尽情享受最新、最大的漫威手游——《漫威神秘大乱斗》(Marvel Mystic Mayhem) 了!它已在澳大利亚、新西兰、加拿大和英国开启软发布! 虽然它看起来像一款典型的战术RPG,但《漫威神秘大乱斗》专注于一些魔法型和鲜为人知的漫威英雄,从而使其与众不同。无论
25 2025-01New Legend of Slime Codes Dropped
Legend of Slime: A captivating idle RPG where slimes reign supreme! This charming yet addictive game offers a wealth of engaging mechanics that will keep you hooked for hours. Unlike other games where slimes are mere fodder, here, the slime is the hero, battling against rising evil. Progress invol
25 2025-01Habit Kingdom: Adventure Sim Rewards Real-Life Achievements
Turn your to-do list into an epic adventure with Habit Kingdom! This innovative app from Light Arc Studio gamifies your daily tasks, transforming chores into monster-battling excitement. Complete real-life responsibilities to progress in the game, earning hearts and stars as you conquer your to-do
25 2025-01Roblox: January 2025 Active Codes Released
Reverse: 1999, a turn-based strategy RPG from Bluepoch, plunges players into a world mysteriously inverted by a phenomenon known as the Storm. Players become Timekeepers, tasked with uncovering the Storm's secrets and its link to the year 1999. The game uniquely unfolds in reverse chronological ord
25 2025-01Harvesters Target: Helldivers 2 Tactics Unveiled
Quick Navigation Conquering the Harvesters in Helldivers 2 Harvester Vulnerabilities in Helldivers 2 The Illuminate faction's Harvesters pose a significant threat in Helldivers 2. These imposing biomechanical behemoths are designed to overwhelm unprepared players striving to establish democratic
25 2025-01Legendary Hero Sun Wukong Joins 'Watcher of Realms' Holiday Festivities
Watcher of Realms is gearing up for a spectacular holiday celebration! Moonton's fantasy RPG is launching new heroes, free gifts, and more, including the highly anticipated addition of the mythological Sun Wukong. This Christmas season, Watcher of Realms is joining the festivities with a bang. Play
25 2025-01Pocket Codes for Dream Travel Now Available
Pocket Dream兑换码大全及领取指南 全部Pocket Dream兑换码 如何在Pocket Dream中兑换兑换码 如何获取更多Pocket Dream兑换码 Pocket Dream是一款专为宝可梦宇宙粉丝打造的手机游戏。选择三只经典宝可梦之一,开启充满乐趣的训练家冒险之旅。游戏中你将体验精彩刺激的战斗、引人入胜的故事剧情,当然还有种类丰富的宝可梦等待你去捕捉并加入你的收藏。 在免费手机游戏中,随着游戏进程,敌人的难度会逐渐增加,如果没有高级货币,推进游戏剧情可能会变得困难。幸运的是,你可以兑换Pocket Dream兑换码,免费获得丰厚奖励。 2025年1月5日更新,作者:A
25 2025-01Hitman Marks Milestone with Massive Player Count
Hitman: World of Assassination 超过 7500 万玩家! IO Interactive 宣布,《杀手:世界暗杀》玩家数量已突破 7500 万。这一数字令人印象深刻,巩固了这款游戏作为 IO Interactive迄今为止最成功的作品的地位。 需要说明的是,“世界暗杀”并非单一游戏,而是三部曲的合集。在该三部曲的第三部作品发行两年后,IO Interactive 将其最新的三款《杀手》游戏整合为一个套装,同时仍然允许玩家单独购买其中的部分游戏。该合集于 2023 年 1 月在 PC 和主机平台重新发行,并于 2024 年 9 月登陆 Meta Quest 3。 1月
25 2025-01Pokémon Go's Fashion Week Reloads
Pokémon Go Fashion Week Returns: Double Stardust, Shiny Pokémon, and More! Kick off the new year with the return of Pokémon Go's Fashion Week, running from January 10th to 19th! This stylish event brings costumed Pokémon, boosted rewards, and exciting challenges. This year's Fashion Week offers doub
25 2025-01Elden Ring's Nightreign Network Test Opens for Signup
Elden Ring Nightreign Network Test: Sign-Ups Open January 10th (PS5 & Xbox Series X/S Only) The highly anticipated Elden Ring Nightreign network test begins accepting registrations on January 10th, 2025. This initial beta, however, will be exclusive to PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S consoles. An