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  • 25 2025-01
    Exclusive: Kiririn51 Opens Up on .45 PARABELLUM BLOODHOUND

    This extensive interview with Christopher Ortiz, the creator behind the beloved indie game VA-11 Hall-A, delves deep into his career, inspirations, and the highly anticipated new project, .45 PARABELLUM BLOODHOUND. Ortiz discusses the unexpected success of VA-11 Hall-A, its merchandise, and the cha

  • 25 2025-01
    ESO Unveils Revamped Seasonal System for '25

    《上古卷轴OL》迎来全新季度内容更新模式 ZeniMax Online工作室宣布,《上古卷轴OL》将采用全新的季度内容更新系统,取代以往的年度章节DLC模式。 这意味着玩家将每3到6个月就能体验到新的剧情、物品和地下城。 自2017年以来,《上古卷轴OL》一直采用每年一个大型DLC的更新方式,外加其他独立版本和对地下城、区域等的更新。这款2014年发布的游戏最初评价褒贬不一,但工作室随后进行了重大更新,回应了玩家的许多担忧,提升了游戏口碑和销量。值此十周年之际,ZeniMax似乎认为是时候再次改变其拓展Tamriel世界的方式了。 ZeniMax Online工作室总监Matt Firor在

  • 25 2025-01
    Ys Memoire: Felghana Oath Arrives!

    Will Ys Memoire: The Oath in Felghana be available on Xbox Game Pass? Currently, there are no plans to add Ys Memoire: The Oath in Felghana to the Xbox Game Pass library.

  • 25 2025-01
    Discover the Pokémon Vending Machine Craze: Locations, Offerings, and More

    Pokemon fans are buzzing about the Pokemon vending machines popping up across the US! This article answers your burning questions about these automated merchandise dispensers. What are Pokemon Vending Machines? Pokemon vending machines are automated kiosks dispensing various Pokemon merchandise, mu

  • 25 2025-01
    Guide: Unlock Thorncrown's Towers in WoW

    快速导航 荆棘王冠三座塔的位置(狂风浪潮) 塔之影:回响之塔 塔之影:暮光之塔 塔之影:指令之塔 在《狂风浪潮》中探索荆棘王冠时,玩家会遇到位于里纳西塔-拉古纳-塞萨里奥山脉北部共鸣信标南部的博蒂姆。他会向漫游者解释,他的家族委托他管理一个祖传遗址,那里仍然存在一个世代相传的“终端”。 他进一步解释说,塔楼里充满了从内部出现的影子怪物,它们制造混乱后会自行消失。然后,他为玩家提供宝贵的奖励,以代替他完成这项任务。这将启动《狂风浪潮》中的“过去的阴影”任务。 荆棘王冠三座塔的位置(狂风浪潮) 荆棘王冠有三座塔,每座塔都将完成“过去的阴影”任务的一部分,该任务分为三个子任务: 塔之影:回

  • 25 2025-01
    Funko Responds After BrandShield Blocks Itch.io

    Funko has issued a statement regarding the temporary suspension of the Itch.io indie game marketplace, allegedly triggered by its brand protection software. Let's delve into Funko's response. Funko's Response and Ongoing Dialogue with Itch.io Funko's official X (formerly Twitter) account addressed

  • 25 2025-01
    Classic Pokémon Returns for January Community Day

    一月社区日经典活动:精灵宝可梦GO迎回钥石! 一月二十五日下午两点到五点(当地时间),钥石将作为一月社区日经典活动的主角登场! 在活动期间进化奇鲁莉安,即可获得拥有蓄力攻击“同步噪音”(造成80点伤害)的沙奈朵或克鲁鲁。 届时,玩家们还将体验特别研究、限时研究、限时礼包、丰厚奖励以及全新展示等精彩内容。 精灵宝可梦GO官方宣布,钥石将成为一月社区日经典活动的焦点精灵。 这场活动将于一月二十五日下午两点到五点(当地时间)举行,钥石将在野外更频繁地出现,玩家们还有机会捕捉到闪光钥石!在社区日经典活动期间或活动结束后五小时内进化奇鲁莉安,即可获得掌握蓄力攻击“同步噪音”的沙奈朵或克鲁鲁。“同步噪音

  • 25 2025-01
    Pokémon GO Steel Resolve Debuts Galar Pokémon

    Pokémon Go's Steeled Resolve Event: New Pokémon, Raids, and More! Get ready for the Steeled Resolve event in Pokémon Go, running from January 21st to 26th! This event introduces several exciting additions to the game. New Pokémon Debuts: Rookidee, Corvisquire, and Corviknight, hailing from the Gala

  • 25 2025-01
    Uncover Hidden Palette Riches in "Wuthering Waves"

    Wuthering Waves' Whisperwind Haven holds several "Overflowing Palette" puzzles. These require players to color-code blocks within a specific number of steps, as indicated in the bottom-left corner. The goal is to make all blocks the same color using the dyes provided. Whisperwind Haven Overflowing

  • 25 2025-01
    Trainers Unite: Unlock Secrets in Roblox with RNG Codes!

    Trainer Battle RNG Codes: Boost Your Roblox Adventure! Trainer Battle RNG is a captivating adventure RPG boasting engaging gameplay, a compelling setting, and innovative mechanics. This exciting game offers hours of fun as you strategically battle other trainers using units acquired via an RNG syst