Mastering Bullseye in Marvel Snap: Deck Strategies and Value Assessment
Bullseye, the newly released Dark Avengers season card in Marvel Snap, has undergone several iterations before reaching its current form: a 3-power, 3-cost card with the ability to discard all 1-cost or less cards from your hand and inflict -2 power on an equal number of enemy cards. This guide explores optimal Bullseye deck builds and assesses its value.
Bullseye's Mechanics and Synergies
Bullseye's ability is activated before the end of a turn. It synergizes well with discard strategies, impacting enemy cards with a blanket -2 power debuff. Crucially, the debuff affects different enemy cards, limiting its impact on single, high-power units. Cards like Luke Cage directly counter this effect. Strong synergies exist with cards like X-23 and Hawkeye (Kate Bishop), though these combinations haven't seen widespread adoption. His effectiveness is limited to turns 5 or earlier due to the "Activate" mechanic.
Top-Tier Bullseye Decks
Bullseye's optimal use lies within discard-archetype decks, rather than dedicated Bullseye-centric strategies. Two prominent examples are presented below:
Discard Deck (Classic Style):
This deck incorporates Bullseye into a standard discard strategy. The inclusion of MODOK allows for significant board manipulation on turn 5, followed by Bullseye activation to debuff the opponent's board. Key cards include Scorn, X-23, Blade, Hawkeye Kate Bishop, Swarm, Colleen Wing, Bullseye, Dracula, Proxima Midnight, MODOK, and Apocalypse. Series 5 cards (Scorn, Hawkeye Kate Bishop, Proxima Midnight) are crucial; however, Hawkeye Kate Bishop can be substituted with a card like Gambit. This deck's strength lies in its consistent discard synergy and board control.
Hazmat Ajax Deck (Aggressive Variant):
This deck integrates Bullseye into the meta-dominant Hazmat Ajax archetype, despite the nerfs this archetype has faced. It leverages Bullseye's synergy with several cards to act as a secondary Hazmat effect, further enhancing Ajax's power. This high-cost deck includes Silver Sable, Nebula, Hydra Bob, Hazmat, Hawkeye Kate Bishop, US Agent, Luke Cage, Bullseye, Rocket Raccoon and Groot, Anti-Venom, Man-Thing, and Ajax. While Hydra Bob is potentially replaceable, the remaining Series 5 cards are considered essential for optimal performance. This deck's strategy centers on overwhelming the opponent with Hazmat while securing lane victories with US Agent or Man-Thing and Ajax. Its effectiveness compared to Red Guardian-based variations remains to be seen.
Is Bullseye Worth the Investment?
Bullseye's value is subjective and depends on individual playstyles and card collections. For players who dislike discard or affliction decks, his niche application may not justify the investment of Spotlight Cache Keys or Collector's Tokens. His limited utility outside of specific deck archetypes makes him a less appealing option compared to cards like Moonstone or Aries, which offer broader synergy potential.
Bullseye's effectiveness hinges on strategic integration within existing discard or Hazmat Ajax decks. His value as a standalone card is questionable. Players should carefully consider their existing collection and preferred playstyle before investing resources in this card.