Explore the vast world of Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 at your own pace, but with a world this large, even horseback riding can take a while. Luckily, fast travel is readily available! Here's how to utilize this convenient feature.
Fast Traveling in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

Fast travel in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is straightforward. Simply bring up your map using the d-pad (up), select your desired location, and press X to confirm.
However, keep these restrictions in mind:
- No Fast Travel During Combat: You can't teleport away mid-battle.
- Quest Restrictions: Certain quest objectives may prevent fast travel.
- Limited Destinations: Fast travel is only available to towns and outposts. Look for the small blue icon on your map to identify these locations.
- Time and Resource Depletion: While fast traveling, time will pass, gradually reducing your nourishment and rest levels.
- Random Encounters: As in the first game, unexpected encounters may occur during fast travel. These could range from friendly traders to hostile guards or bandits. You can choose to engage or ignore these encounters, but ignoring them carries a risk of failure.
That's all there is to fast traveling in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2! For more in-depth guides and tips, check out The Escapist.