Home News Seven Knights Idle Adventure: Free Summons Galore!

Seven Knights Idle Adventure: Free Summons Galore!

by Liam Dec 11,2024

Grab free summons just by logging in
Legendary Hero Summon Tickets to be given away
New and returning players have special perks too

Netmarble is ramping up the festivities within Seven Knights Idle Adventure, inviting everyone to join in on the Month of Seven Knights (Month of 7K). In particular, you can look forward to grabbing awesome in-game goodies simply by logging in - this comes in the form of the Month of 7K! Full of Rubies Check-In event, where 7,700 Rubies will be up for grabs for seven days.
In the latest update to Seven Knights Idle Adventure, you can expect to nab Month of 7K Appreciation Chests as well, which contain Legendary Hero Summon Tickets 3 (x7) and Stage Clear Legendary Hero Chests. 
And if you happen to be a newbie to the title, fret not - you can easily catch up with all the latest in the Month of 7K! New Welcome Check-In event. This ensures that new players can get their hands on a total of 77,777 Normal Hero Summon tickets just by checking in. 


Meanwhile, returning players can anticipate the Month of 7K! Welcome Back Check-In to obtain Seven Knights All Hero Summon Tickets (x7) and Four Lords All Hero Summon Tickets (x4) among other prizes.

For more rewards, why not check out our updated Seven Knights Idle Adventure codes to get your share? In the meantime, if you're keen to participate, you can do so by checking out Seven Knights Idle Adventure on Google Play and on the App Store. It's a free-to-play game with in-app purchases.

You can also join the community on the official Facebook page to stay informed on all the latest updates, visit the official website for more details, or take a quick look at the embedded clip above to get a sense of the game's atmosphere and graphics.

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