Home News Pokémon Reality TV Show Brings TCG to the Forefront

Pokémon Reality TV Show Brings TCG to the Forefront

by Scarlett Feb 10,2023

Pokémon Reality TV Show Brings TCG to the Forefront

Pokémon is putting fans in the spotlight with a new reality series! Read on to learn more about the show and how to watch it.
Catch Pokémon: Trainer Tour TodayA Celebration of the Pokémon TCG and its Community

Pokémon Reality TV Show Brings TCG to the Forefront

Pokémon fans, get ready for a ride! The Pokémon Company International is launching a new reality show, 'Pokémon: Trainer Tour', set to stream worldwide on Prime Video and Roku Channel on July 31st.

The show follows hosts Meghan Camarena (Strawburry17) and Andrew Mahone (Tricky Gym) as they embark on a cross-country adventure to "meet and mentor aspiring trainers" of the Pokémon Trading Card Game. Traveling in a Pikachu-themed tour bus, they’ll connect with Pokémon enthusiasts from all walks of life, sharing their stories and passion for the "Pokémon brand and Pokémon TCG."

Andy Gose, Senior Director of Media Production at The Pokémon Company International, described the show as "a first-of-its-kind entertainment series for The Pokémon Company International, spotlighting individuals from Pokémon's incredibly diverse fan base." He then continued to say, "we’re so grateful to have had the opportunity to showcase how connections are fostered through the Pokémon TCG."

Pokémon Reality TV Show Brings TCG to the Forefront

The Pokémon Trading Card Game has captured the hearts of millions of collectors worldwide ever since its debut in 1996. Almost three decades later, it blossomed into a global phenomenon with a dedicated fanbase and a thriving competitive scene.

Pokémon: Trainer Tour celebrates the game and its players, as it "offers fans an inside look into the varied experiences and heartfelt stories of some of the players who make up the diverse array of Pokémon fans."

Catch all Eight episodes of Pokémon: Trainer Tour on Prime Video and Roku Channel this July 31st. The first episode is also available to watch on the official Pokémon YouTube channel.

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