Home News Pokemon Go will host the Aquatic Paradise event in concert with the New York City Go Fest

Pokemon Go will host the Aquatic Paradise event in concert with the New York City Go Fest

by Henry Mar 17,2025

Get ready to dive into the Aquatic Paradise event in Pokémon Go, running from July 6th to 9th! This event brings the watery fun of Pokémon Go Fest 2024: New York City to trainers worldwide. Expect increased encounters with water-type Pokémon like Horsea, Staryu, Wingull, and Ducklett in the wild and through quests.

Using Incense will attract rarer Pokémon such as Shellder, Lapras, Finneon, and Frillish, with a chance to encounter shiny variants. Catch Pokémon for double XP! Field Research tasks will reward encounters with Corphish, Clamperl, Finneon, and Frillish. A collaborative Collection Challenge offers additional rewards and encounters.

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For even more rewards, consider the $1.99 Timed Research, offering quests focused on exploration and catching Pokémon, rewarding encounters with Ducklett, four Lucky Eggs, two Incense, and 20 Ducklett Candy.

NYC Pokémon Go Fest attendees: Don't forget to use the code GOFEST2024 at the Pokémon Go Web Store to get a free Premium Battle Pass and Incubator with any purchase!

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