Get ready to dive into the Aquatic Paradise event in Pokémon Go, running from July 6th to 9th! This event brings the watery fun of Pokémon Go Fest 2024: New York City to trainers worldwide. Expect increased encounters with water-type Pokémon like Horsea, Staryu, Wingull, and Ducklett in the wild and through quests.
Using Incense will attract rarer Pokémon such as Shellder, Lapras, Finneon, and Frillish, with a chance to encounter shiny variants. Catch Pokémon for double XP! Field Research tasks will reward encounters with Corphish, Clamperl, Finneon, and Frillish. A collaborative Collection Challenge offers additional rewards and encounters.
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For even more rewards, consider the $1.99 Timed Research, offering quests focused on exploration and catching Pokémon, rewarding encounters with Ducklett, four Lucky Eggs, two Incense, and 20 Ducklett Candy.
NYC Pokémon Go Fest attendees: Don't forget to use the code GOFEST2024 at the Pokémon Go Web Store to get a free Premium Battle Pass and Incubator with any purchase!