Home News Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: How To Catch And Evolve Deino

Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: How To Catch And Evolve Deino

by Amelia Mar 16,2025

Hydreigon, the formidable Dark/Dragon-type Pokémon, stands as one of the most powerful creatures in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet. Trainers eager to add this pseudo-legendary to their Pokédex should first acquire its pre-evolutions: Deino and Zweilous. Evolving the Irate Deino into the Brutal Hydreigon is a rewarding journey, but it's important to note that Deino and its evolutions are exclusive to Pokémon Scarlet. Players of Pokémon Violet will need to utilize trading or other methods to obtain them.

Updated January 13, 2025 by Renri Seong: The Deino line, introduced in Gen 5's Pokémon Black/White, continues its appearance in mainline titles, including Pokémon Scarlet & Violet. As with many new generation introductions, Deino and its evolutions are version-exclusive. While readily available in the wild within Pokémon Scarlet, acquiring one in Pokémon Violet requires trading or transferring.

Where to Catch Deino in Pokémon Scarlet

Deino and Zweilous Locations

In Pokémon Scarlet, Deino can be found in Alfornada Cavern, Dalizapa Passage, Glaseado Mountain, Area Zero, and North Province (Area Two). While Glaseado Mountain, Area Zero, and North Province (Area Two) offer easier access, Alfornada Cavern and Dalizapa Passage present a more challenging but rewarding hunt. Deino in Dalizapa Passage and Alfornada Cavern range from levels 35-40.

  • Alfornada Cavern: Located in the southwest corner of the Paldea map, requiring Koraidon's high jump ability.
  • Dalizapa Passage: Accessible east from Medali or west from Zapapico; situated between these locations on the map.

Three-star Tera Raids (unlocked after obtaining three Gym Badges) also offer Deino encounters, potentially with different Tera Types and a chance of possessing its Hidden Ability. Zweilous, Deino's evolution, appears in the wild in Dalizapa Passage, Area Zero, and Alfornada Cavern, and also in four-star Tera Raids. Hydreigon can be found in 5/6-star Tera Raids.

How to Get Deino in Pokémon Violet

How to Trade and Transfer

Trading Deino Since the Deino line is exclusive to Pokémon Scarlet, trading or transferring is necessary for Pokémon Violet players. Nintendo Switch Online membership is required for Union Circle trading. Alternatively, Pokémon HOME facilitates transfers from compatible games (Pokémon Sword/Shield, Pokémon GO, and Pokémon Scarlet).
  1. Open Pokémon HOME, move Deino from your source game to your Basic Box, then save and exit.
  2. In HOME, open Pokémon Violet and transfer Deino from the Basic Box to a PC Box. Save and exit.

How to Evolve Deino into Zweilous and Hydreigon

What Level Does Deino Evolve?

Deino Evolution Deino evolves into Zweilous at level 50, and Zweilous evolves into Hydreigon at level 64. Auto-battling or using Exp. Candies (L and XL recommended) can expedite the leveling process.

Is Hydreigon a Good Pokémon?

Hydreigon Stats & Weaknesses

Hydreigon Stats As a pseudo-legendary, Hydreigon boasts a base stat total of 600, with high Special Attack and Attack, and good Speed. A Timid (+Spd, -Attk) or Jolly (+Spd, -Sp.Attk) Nature is recommended.
StatBase Stat
Special Attack125
Special Defense90

As a Dark/Dragon-type, Hydreigon is super-effective against Dragon, Ghost, and Psychic types. However, it has a 4x weakness to Fairy, and weaknesses to Fighting, Bug, Dragon, and Ice. It resists Grass, Water, Fire, Electric, Ghost, and Dark types, and is immune to Ground and Psychic. Terastallizing mitigates the double Fairy weakness. Offensively, adjusting its Tera Type allows for STAB on moves like Flash Cannon (learnable via TM). Its diverse movepool allows for both physical and special attacking strategies. Recommended moves include Nasty Plot, Dragon Pulse (or Draco Meteor), and Dark Pulse. A Steel-type move, ideally Flash Cannon, is crucial to counter its Fairy weakness.

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