The acclaimed cyberpunk anime game, Punishing: Gray Raven, teams up with another celebrated cyberpunk franchise in its latest update, "Blazing Simulacrum," featuring BLACK★ROCK SHOOTER.
This major update, arguably the most significant since launch, introduces a new story chapter, fresh coatings and returning SFX coatings, numerous limited-time events, and a brand-new A-Rank Omniframe. Her exclusive coating, Elder Flame, debuts alongside her.
BLACK★ROCK SHOOTER is incredibly new-player friendly, obtainable within 10 pulls. She wields the exclusive Bladed Cannon, ★Rock Cannon, and boasts unique skills, including the ability to inflict damage while unleashing her signature attack. She's a perfect addition to any fire team.
Her weapon and skill animations faithfully reflect the original character's style, showcasing meticulous attention to detail – from the blue flame in her eye to her iconic costume and the use of the ★Rock Cannon.
Blazing Simulacrum Update Details
The Blazing Simulacrum patch includes both new and returning SFX coatings. Returning coatings include Solitary Dream for Bianca: Stigmata and Vox Solaris for Selene: Capriccio, while Snowbreak Bloom for Liv: Luminance and Nightbreaker for Lucia: Crimson Weave are making their first appearance.A new roguelike mode, Chessboard Realms, adds another layer of strategic gameplay.
About Punishing: Gray Raven
In a dystopian future, humanity faces annihilation at the hands of the Corrupted – robots warped by a biomechanical virus, The Punishing. From the space station Babylonia, you lead the Gray Raven special forces unit in a desperate fight to reclaim Earth.
Since its 2021 release, Punishing: Gray Raven has received numerous updates, maintaining its fast-paced ARPG action and growing player base. A PC client and English dub were added in 2023.
Download Punishing: Gray Raven for free today on Android, iOS, and PC.