Ragnarok: Rebirth, a captivating 3D MMORPG, has recently launched in Southeast Asia! This highly anticipated sequel to the beloved Ragnarok Online aims to recapture the magic that captivated over 40 million players worldwide. Remember the thrill of monster card hunting and the bustling Prontera marketplace? Ragnarok: Rebirth brings it all back.
Choose from six classic classes: Swordsman, Mage, Archer, Acolyte, Merchant, and Thief. Whether you're a seasoned MVP hunter or a novice Poring collector, Ragnarok: Rebirth offers engaging gameplay. The game retains the dynamic player economy of its predecessor, allowing you to open your own shop and trade with fellow adventurers. Need to sell loot or acquire rare weapons for a challenging boss fight? The marketplace is your destination!
Adorable mounts and pets, from the friendly Poring to the comical Camel, add strategic depth to combat. These companions will fight alongside you, adding a new layer of tactical complexity.
New Features
Ragnarok: Rebirth introduces modern mobile gaming features. An idle system allows for character progression even when offline, perfect for busy players. The game also boasts significantly increased MVP card drop rates, reducing the grind for rare items. Finally, enjoy seamless switching between landscape and portrait modes, offering optimal control whether you're battling monsters or exploring the world.
Ragnarok: Rebirth is available now on the Google Play Store! Don't miss our other article on Welcome To Everdell, a fresh take on the popular Everdell city-building board game!