Home News Vampire Survivors PlayStation Debut Imminent

Vampire Survivors PlayStation Debut Imminent

by Aurora Nov 10,2024

Vampire Survivors PlayStation Debut Imminent

Poncle, the UK-based developer of the popular roguelike Vampire Survivors, has provided more information regarding the title's upcoming ports to the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5. Vampire Survivors' latest expansion, as well as its most recent update, were both released in May.

Fully launched in December 2021, Vampire Survivors is a top-down shoot 'em up that pits players against near-endless waves of monsters. The critically acclaimed game received a Nintendo Switch port following its initial release, and it was announced in April that Vampire Survivors would also make its way to the PS4 and PS5 this summer. As the season has started in Poncle's home country, the developer has given an update on these upcoming PlayStation versions.

Vampire Survivors still does not have an exact release date for the PS4 and PS5, but this will be revealed as soon as possible, Poncle recently announced in a series of Twitter posts. Work on the ports has taken longer than usual because this is Poncle's first time going through the PlayStation submission processes, the studio explained. Poncle is also doing some trial and error on PlayStation's Trophies system to ensure that the indie developer gets achievements on Sony's consoles right. Vampire Survivors, one of the highest rated games on Steam, currently has more than 200 achievements on the PC game distribution platform.

Vampire Survivors PS4, PS5 Release Window

Summer 2024

Several Twitter users thanked Poncle for their transparency regarding Vampire Survivors' upcoming PlayStation releases. Others, meanwhile, told the developer that they were excited to get a platinum trophy for the game when it comes out. These tokens are rewarded for unlocking all the achievements in a title, and they can be seen as badges of honor for anyone who has fully finished PlayStation games that are hard to platinum.

Operation Guns, a Vampire Survivors DLC based on Konami's Contra franchise, was released on May 9. In addition to providing players with new biomes inspired by Contra levels, the expansion also added 11 new characters and 22 fully automatic weapons to Poncle's shoot 'em up. It includes classic tracks from Konami's legendary series of run and gun games as well.

An update that made tweaks to the new content featured in Operation Guns, Hotfix 1.10.105, was released a week after the latest DLC's release on May 16. The small patch also addressed several bugs in both the Vampire Survivors base game and the most recent expansion.

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