Home News VOTE NOW: The Pocket Gamer People's Choice Awards 2024 shortlist is live

VOTE NOW: The Pocket Gamer People's Choice Awards 2024 shortlist is live

by Caleb Feb 06,2023

VOTE NOW: The Pocket Gamer People

Voting is now open for the PG People's Choice Awards
Champion the best of the past 18 months by making your voice heard
Voting closes on July 22nd

If you woke up today thinking, 'What is the best game release of the past 18 months?', you're in for one of those this-is-too-on-point-to-simply-be-coincidence moments. 
We'll park the Metaphysics, though, and just alert you to the fact that the PG People's Choice Award finalists have been revealed. 
As the only category of the PG Mobile Games Awards in association with Gamelight (organised by our industry-focused sibling site, PocketGamer.biz) that is nominated for by the readers of Pocket Gamer, we traditionally end up with a list of games that reflect the wide-ranging tastes of our audience.
It's voting time
This time around, it's no different. We asked you to nominate what you considered to be the best mobile gaming experience released between January 2023 and June this year (if you're wondering, the extended period is due to the awards' move to August from their usual April slot) and, as ever, you did so enthusiastically.
Thank you.
Now we need to work out the winner from the 20 titles that made the shortlist. This is where you, dear players, come in again – this award is all about your gaming experience.
So look through the finalists and cast your vote. Stuck between two choices? Vote for both – we don't judge.
We don't rush you, either: voting closes 11:59pm on July 22nd so you have time to consider things through. After that, the game with the most votes will get announced at the PG Mobile Games Awards swanky sit-down ceremony on August 20th (and we'll shout about it here too, naturally).

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