Thuis Nieuws Ontgrendel de geheimen van Sims 2: Master Cheats voor Ultimate Gameplay!

Ontgrendel de geheimen van Sims 2: Master Cheats voor Ultimate Gameplay!

by Allison Feb 20,2025

Ontgrendel de geheimen van de Sims 2 met cheatcodes!

De Sims 2 Legacy -collectie heeft de passie voor deze klassieke simulatiespel geregeerd. Maar wie wil eindeloos malen? Deze gids biedt een uitgebreide lijst van de Sims 2 cheatcodes, inclusief die voor onmiddellijke rijkdom.

Toegang tot het cheat -menu

A Sim dining out in The Sims 2

Om de kracht van cheats te ontketenen, drukt u op Ctrl + Shift + C om de opdrachtconsole te openen. Als alternatief, gebruik deze opdrachten in de console om het cheatmenu te beheren:

`help`Opens the cheat menu.
`expand`Expands the cheat menu.
`clear`Clears the cheat menu.
`exit`Closes the cheat menu.

Volledige cheat -codelijst

Voor eenvoudige referentie is hier een gecategoriseerde lijst van alle de Sims 2 cheats:

Financiële vrijheid: geld cheats

`familyFunds [LastName] [#]`Adds the specified amount of Simoleons.
`kaching`Adds 1,000 Simoleons.
`motherlode`Adds 50,000 Simoleons.

Mastering Motieven: SIM -manipulatie

`aging [on/off]`Enables or disables Sim aging.
`aspirationPoints [#]`Adds the specified number of aspiration points.
`aspirationLevel [0-5]`Sets Sim aspiration level (0-5).
`lockAspiration [on/off]`Locks or unlocks Sim aspirations.
`motiveDecay [on/off]`Enables or disables motive decay.
`maxMotives`Maximizes all Sim motives.
`unlockCareerRewards`Unlocks career rewards for a selected Sim.

Building & World Manipulation

`boolProp showcatalogueflags [true/false]`Shows the pack origin of items in Build/Buy Mode.
`boolProp snapObjectsToGrid [true/false]`Enables/disables object snapping to the grid.
`changeLotClassification [low/middle/high]`Changes the lot classification.
`changeLotZoning [residential/community/etc.]`Changes the lot zoning. (See full list in original article)
`deleteAllFences`Deletes all fences on the lot.
`deleteAllHalfWalls`Deletes all half-walls on the lot.
`deleteAllWalls`Deletes all walls on the lot.
`Individualroofslopeangle [15-75]`Changes the angle of a single roof.
`Modifyneighborhoodterrain [on/off]`Enables terrain modification in a neighborhood.
`MoveObjects [on/off]`Enables moving all objects.
`boolProp allobjectlightson [true/false]`Turns on/off lighting for all objects.
`Roofslopeangle [15-27]`Changes the angle of all roofs.
`TerrainType [desert/temperate/dirt/concrete]`Changes the terrain type of the map.

Diverse cheats

`AddneighbortoFamilycheat [on/off]`Adds an NPC to the household.
`bugJarTimeDecay [on/off]`Controls whether bugs die in jars.
`boolProp carsCompact [true/false]`Controls car detail level.
`boolProp controlpets [on/off]`Enables pet control.
`boolProp disablePuppyKittenAging [true/false]`Enables/disables aging for puppies and kittens.
`boolProp enablePostProcessing [true/false]`Enables post-processing effects.
`boolProp guob [true/false]`Enables shadows on objects inside buildings.
`boolProp petactioncancel [true/false]`Enables canceling pet actions.
`boolProp petsfreewill [true/false]`Enables/disables pet free will.
`boolProp simshadows [true/false]`Enables/disables Sim shadows.
`bloom [red/green/blue] [0-225]`Adjusts brightness and color for filmmaking.
`clearLotClassValue`Clears the lot class value.
`deleteAllAwnings`Deletes all awnings on the lot.
`deleteAllCharacters`Deletes all Sims in a neighborhood. (Use with caution!)
`deleteAllObjects [Stairs/Windows/Doors]`Deletes all specified objects. (Use with caution!)
`faceBlendLimits [on/off]`Enables/disables facial blend limits.
`forcetwins`Forces twins in a pregnancy.
`Plumbobtoggle [on/off]`Shows or hides the plumbob.
`showheadlines [on/off]`Shows or hides headlines above Sims.
`Slowmotion [0-8]`Adjusts slow motion speed for filmmaking.
`Stretchskeleton [number]`Changes a Sim's height.
`Vsync [on/off]`Enables/disables Vsync.

  • De Sims 2: Legacy Collection* is nu beschikbaar op pc. Geniet van je cheat-gevulde gameplay!
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