TAXI AMARELINHO RIO TAXISTA is the ultimate ride-hailing app designed specifically for taxi drivers, allowing you to receive new rides and boost your daily income.
- Receive New Rides: Get instant notifications for new ride requests, maximizing your earning potential.
- Verify Distance: Check the distance to the passenger before accepting a ride, ensuring efficient routes and maximizing your time.
- Emergency Contact: Stay safe with the ability to directly call passengers through the app using your own phone carrier rates.
- Pre-registered Users: Enjoy peace of mind knowing that both drivers and passengers are pre-registered, creating a secure environment for everyone.
- Modern Convenience: Experience the most modern and convenient way to receive rides anytime and anywhere.
- Increased Revenue: Maximize your earnings by accepting more ride requests and increasing your daily revenue.
Join TAXI AMARELINHO RIO TAXISTA today and experience the convenience and security of a dedicated ride-hailing app for taxi drivers.