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Metaphor 推出综合债券指南:ReFantazio

by Mila Jan 09,2025

Metaphor 推出综合债券指南:ReFantazio

探索隐喻:ReFantazio 的世界并聚集将成为你忠实追随者的同伴,与他们建立深厚的联系。 这些关注者的功能与其他游戏中的社交链接类似,提供了独特的社交系统。

十四名追随者等待着您,每个追随者都有八个债券等级可供培养。 加强这些联系可以解锁其血统中的新原型和宝贵的奖金来帮助您的旅程。 以下是每个追随者的列表、他们的解锁条件以及相关的原型血统。


隐喻:ReFantazio 的完整追随者名单


Follower Name Unlock Method Archetype Lineage
Gallica Defeat the first boss in the Nord Mines on 6/6. Mage
Strohl Defeat the first boss in the Nord Mines on 6/6. Warrior
Hulkenberg On 6/10, after defeating the boss in the Mausoleum. Knight
Heismay On 7/4, after entering the main dungeon for the first time. Thief
Junah Complete the side quest "Save The Mourning Snakes" after reaching Virga Island. Masked Dancer
Eupha Complete the side quest "Trial Of Malnova" after saving her in the Dragon Temple Dungeon. Summoner
Basilio On 9/14, after leaving Altabury on the Gauntlet Runner. Berserker
Neuras Complete the quest "Providing A Spark" given by Neuras on 6/14. Gunner
Maria During main story events on 6/10. Healer
Catherina Upon entering the Grand Trad dungeon on 6/12. Brawler
Alonzo Complete the quest "A Dagger, A Ring, and a Rake" given by Culcus in Martia. Faker
Bardon After completing Martira's main storyline by 7/16, find him in Martia's city square. Commander
Brigitta Begin the quest "A Bullish Embargo" with Brigitta near her Igniter shop in Grand Trad (on or after 6/12). Merchant
More On the night of 6/5, after he summons you. Seeker
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