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Pokemon TCG Pocket 神话岛 发售日期和时间

by Amelia Jan 23,2025

Pokemon TCG Pocket 神话岛 发售日期和时间

Mew Ex (Psychic)130 HP

Psyshot (1 Psychic Energy): 20 damage.
Genome Hacking (3 Colorless Energy): Choose 1 of your opponent’s Active Pokemon’s attacks and use it as this attack.

Aerodactyl Ex (Fighting)140 HP Primeval Law (Ability): Your opponent can’t play any Pokemon from their hand to evolve their Active Pokemon.
Land Crush (1 Fighting, 1 Colorless Energy): 80 damage.
Marshadow (Fighting)80 HP

Revenge (1 Fighting, 1 Colorless Energy): If any of your Pokemon were Knocked Out by damage from an attack during your opponent’s last turn, this attack does 60 more damage. 40 damage.

Blue (Trainer)During your opponent’s next turn, all of your Pokemon take -10 damage from attacks from your opponent’s Pokemon.
Leaf (Trainer)During this turn, the Retreat Cost of your Active Pokemon is 2 less.
准备好迎接Pokémon TCG Pocket





标记你的日历!神话岛包将于美国东部时间 12 月 17 日凌晨 1:00 发布,与游戏的每日重置时间一致。 此版本还将包括 Genetic Apex 套装。 虽然它是 A1 系列的一部分,但是否可以使用 Pack Points 来获得这些新卡牌仍不确定。 著名的神话岛屿卡

超过 80 张新卡牌将加入 Mythical Island 的

Pokémon TCG Pocket
Mew Ex (Psychic)130 HP

Psyshot (1 Psychic Energy): 20 damage.
Genome Hacking (3 Colorless Energy): Choose 1 of your opponent’s Active Pokemon’s attacks and use it as this attack.

Aerodactyl Ex (Fighting)140 HP

Primeval Law (Ability): Your opponent can’t play any Pokemon from their hand to evolve their Active Pokemon.
Land Crush (1 Fighting, 1 Colorless Energy): 80 damage.

Marshadow (Fighting)80 HP

Revenge (1 Fighting, 1 Colorless Energy): If any of your Pokemon were Knocked Out by damage from an attack during your opponent’s last turn, this attack does 60 more damage. 40+ damage.

Blue (Trainer)During your opponent’s next turn, all of your Pokemon take -10 damage from attacks from your opponent’s Pokemon.
Leaf (Trainer)During this turn, the Retreat Cost of your Active Pokemon is 2 less.
名册,其中包括备受期待的 Mew Ex。虽然基本的 Mew 卡作为秘密任务奖励而存在,但 Mew Ex 承诺会对当前的元数据产生重大影响。


<🎜>仅这五张牌就足以重塑元数据,创造令人兴奋的新套牌策略。 准备好在<🎜>Pokémon TCG Pocket<🎜>中开启激动人心的新篇章! 请继续关注《The Escapist》以获取更多更新和游戏策略。<🎜>
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