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PowerWash Simulator Announces Surprising Collab

by Isaac Jan 22,2025

PowerWash Simulator Announces Surprising Collab

PowerWash Simulator's Wallace & Gromit DLC: A Clean Sweep of Nostalgia

Get ready to power wash your way through the whimsical world of Wallace & Gromit! PowerWash Simulator is teaming up with Aardman Animations for a brand-new DLC pack, bringing iconic locations and charming aesthetics to the popular cleaning sim.

The upcoming DLC will transport players to the beloved world of Wallace and Gromit, featuring new maps based on their iconic home and other familiar settings. Expect plenty of recognizable objects and references from the franchise. While a precise release date isn't yet available, the Steam page hints at a March launch.

This isn't FuturLab's first foray into themed DLC. PowerWash Simulator has previously collaborated with franchises like Final Fantasy and Tomb Raider, consistently expanding its gameplay with engaging new content. The developer also regularly releases free updates, demonstrating a commitment to keeping the game fresh and exciting. The upcoming Wallace & Gromit pack promises to be no exception, offering themed costumes and power washer skins for complete immersion.

Aardman Animations itself has a rich history with video games, boasting several titles based on its films and character cameos in others. Their upcoming Pokémon project, slated for 2027, further solidifies their presence in the gaming world.

The PowerWash Simulator x Wallace & Gromit collaboration is a delightful blend of quirky charm and satisfying gameplay. Keep an eye out for the March release!

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