In *Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2*, crime isn't just a minor hiccup—it can dramatically alter your journey and how the world interacts with you. Whether you're caught stealing, trespassing, or even assaulting someone, the consequences can be severe. Let's delve into the intricacies of crime and punishment in *KCD2*.
How Crimes Work in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2
The following actions are deemed illegal in *KCD2*:
- **Murder** – Taking the life of innocent NPCs.
- **Theft** – Pilfering from homes, shops, or unconscious NPCs.
- **Lockpicking** – Forcing entry into locked buildings or chests.
- **Pickpocketing** – Stealing directly from individuals.
- **Assault** – Physically attacking civilians or guards.
- **Animal Cruelty** – Harming domestic animals.
- **Trespassing** – Entering restricted areas without permission.
- **Disrupting Order** – Causing chaos in towns.
Engaging in any of these activities can lead to suspicion, arrest, or even harsher penalties, depending on the crime's severity. Guards and villagers will respond differently based on the seriousness of your offense.
What Happens When You’re Caught?
1. Pay the Fine
The simplest solution is to pay a fine, the amount of which depends on the crime. While stealing might only set you back a few Groschen, murder could bankrupt you or lead to more severe consequences.
2. Talk Your Way Out
If your **Speech** or **Charisma** skills are high, you might persuade guards to overlook minor offenses. However, for serious crimes, sweet-talking your way out becomes much more challenging.
3. Run for It
While not ideal, fleeing can be your only escape. Guards will pursue you, and escaping will make you temporarily wanted. If you leave town and return later, you might still be recognized unless you change your appearance or bribe officials.
4. Accept the Punishment
If you can't pay the fine or escape, you must face the music. The severity of your punishment correlates directly with the nature of your crime.
How Punishments Work in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2
1. Pillory (Public Humiliation)
Minor offenses such as trespassing, reckless behavior, or accidental assault can land you in the pillory. This public humiliation lasts a few in-game days and can damage your reputation, with NPCs ridiculing you.
2. Caning (Physical Punishment)
Mid-tier crimes like assault and theft result in caning. This physical punishment involves a public beating, temporarily reducing your health and stamina.
3. Branding (Permanent Criminal Status)
Reserved for repeat offenders or severe crimes such as murder or significant theft, branding leaves a permanent mark on your neck. This label makes NPCs wary of you, merchants may refuse to trade, and guards will keep a closer eye on you, potentially attacking if you act suspiciously.
4. Execution (Game Over)
The ultimate penalty for the gravest offenses, like multiple murders, execution means the end of your game.
How Crime Affects Your Reputation
Your reputation in *KCD2* isn't just a score; it significantly impacts how NPCs interact with you. Criminal behavior can make townsfolk suspicious or hostile.
How Reputation Works
Each town and faction monitors your reputation independently. A declining reputation can lead to NPCs refusing to speak, trade, or offer quests. Conversely, a rising reputation can unlock discounts, additional dialogue, and unique opportunities. Guards may search you more frequently if they suspect you of past crimes. To repair a tarnished reputation, engage in community service, donate to the church, and settle fines. This system echoes the Honor mechanic in *Red Dead Redemption 2*.
How to Avoid Getting Caught
While crime is part of the *KCD2* experience, getting caught can be detrimental. Here are some tips to evade detection:
- **Eliminate Witnesses** – Always check your surroundings before committing a crime. If spotted, change your disguise immediately, perhaps by donning a hat or altering your clothes.
- **Commit Crimes at Night** – Nighttime offers better cover, making it harder for others to spot you.
- **Sell Stolen Goods Wisely** – Stolen items are tagged in your inventory. Avoid selling them to regular merchants; instead, find fences or black-market dealers far from the crime scene.
That's a comprehensive look at how crime and punishment function in *Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2*. Remember, every action has a consequence, so tread carefully or embrace the thrill of the outlaw life.