Mastering the Lady Vengeance: A Divinity: Original Sin 2 Guide to Unlocking the Ship
Having escaped Fort Joy and shed your Source collar, you're aboard the Elven ship, Lady Vengeance, in Divinity: Original Sin 2. Your goal? Get this unconventional vessel sailing. This isn't a simple matter of turning a wheel; you'll need to solve a puzzle scattered across the ship.
I. Investigating the Deceased:
Begin by examining the bodies of the magisters and gheists on deck. A Sodden Diary, found on a corpse, provides a password crucial later. You can also obtain the password for a stateroom door via a skill check. Don't forget to acquire a Strange Gem—a vital item you'll need. A nearby magic mirror allows for unlimited respeccing, helpful for skill checks.
II. Accessing the Portside Stateroom:
Using the password from the diary, you can unlock the Portside Stateroom. Before doing so, interact with the unconscious Bishop Alexander (west of the cabin) to obtain the Strange Gem from his regalia. Insert the gem, then use the password ("Fortitude") on the southern stateroom door to access Magister Dallis' cabin. This cabin also contains a hidden hatch with gheists and a Teleportation Prism.
III. Locating the Ancient Empire Songbook:
Inside Magister Dallis' cabin, speak with Tarquin and Dallis, exhausting their dialogue. The Ancient Empire Songbook rests on a pedestal—reading it reveals the song needed to move the ship. It's advisable to speak to all NPCs before proceeding, as interactions will be unavailable once the ship sets sail.
IV. Setting Sail:
With the song learned, return to the deck and speak to Malady. After revealing your discovery, head west to find the dragon figurine. Interact with it and choose the option to sing the song. Lady Vengeance will respond, and you can prepare for the next leg of your journey. Be warned: a challenging battle awaits immediately after the ship begins moving, so ensure your party is well-equipped and has sufficient companions.