Thuis Nieuws Horizon Walker -laaglijst voor de sterkste Vanguards

Horizon Walker -laaglijst voor de sterkste Vanguards

by Samuel Feb 11,2025

Duik in de wereld van Horizon Walker, een boeiende nieuwe turn-based RPG met een unieke cast van personages geïnspireerd door Koreaanse Manhwa. Begin aan spannende missies, master strategische gevechtssequenties en verovere diverse gamemodi om de kracht van je personage te verbeteren. Deze laaglijst benadrukt de top-tier Vanguard-personages die klaar zijn om je gameplay aanzienlijk te stimuleren.

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Horizon Walker Tier List for the Strongest VanguardsLisandria, an SS-rarity Vanguard from the Human faction, is a powerhouse. Her Spinning Slash ability unleashes a devastating sabre attack, dealing damage equivalent to her melee attack. Her Sword of the Unknown ability channels divine energy, granting her a shield equal to her magic attack for three rounds, along with the Sword of the Unknown effect.
Horizon Walker Tier List for the Strongest VanguardsLisandria, an SS-rarity Vanguard from the Human faction, is a powerhouse. Her Spinning Slash ability unleashes a devastating sabre attack, dealing damage equivalent to her melee attack. Her Sword of the Unknown ability channels divine energy, granting her a shield equal to her magic attack for three rounds, along with the Sword of the Unknown effect.

Experience enhanced Horizon Walker gameplay on your PC or Laptop using BlueStacks. Enjoy superior controls with keyboard and mouse for a truly immersive experience.

Experience enhanced Horizon Walker gameplay on your PC or Laptop using BlueStacks. Enjoy superior controls with keyboard and mouse for a truly immersive experience.[🎜] [🎜]
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