Century Games, the developer behind Whiteout Survival, has just soft-launched a new strategy game
Called Crown of Bones, it sees you step into the shoes (toe bones?) of a skeleton king
Lead your army of skeletal minions, upgrade them and duke it out with mortals
With the success of Whiteout Survival, it's little surprise that Century Games is continuing to branch out. But you may not have spotted their latest release, Crown of Bones, which has quietly slipped into soft launch in a number of regions, including the US and Europe. As for what it's about? Well, that's another story entirely.
根據現有信息,《骨頭王冠》是一款非常休閑的策略遊戲,你將扮演骷髏王的角色,領導一支由同樣瘦弱的戰士組成的軍隊。當你穿越這片土地與敵人決鬥時,你將慢慢升級你的骷髏部落並體驗各種環境,從溫帶農田到幹旱沙漠。就像 Century Games 的 Whiteout Survival 一樣,這非常正如他們急於指出的那樣,在適合家庭的方麵,具有可愛且無害的圖形。重點關注升級、收藏品以及不斷增加的挑戰和關卡,讓您甚至可以在排行榜上與朋友和陌生人一較高下。
Zandri Dust 任何人嗎?目前關於《骨頭王冠》沒有太多可說的,除了《Whiteout Survival》有任何跡象表明,如果它大量借鑒其他策略遊戲,我不會感到驚訝。 同時,我也很難責怪他們,因為他們之前發布的休閑寒冷生存方法(模仿《冰汽時代》)被證明是非常成功的。隨著我們看到更多《骨頭之冠》,我會更好地理解它的定位。畢竟,《Whiteout Survival》取得了巨大成功,所以《骨頭王冠》也許會成為他們新的主導遊戲?無論如何,在嚐試過之後,如果您想要更多遊戲,請查看我們每周排名前五的新手機遊戲專題!<🎜>