由Kubo Games開發的Roblox遊戲Arm Wrestle Simulator,可以讓您訓練和參加Arm Wrestling比賽。 通過各種設備(例如啞鈴,戰鬥老板和孵化寵物)從賺取的雞蛋加速您的進度。
贖回代碼可提供遊戲中的好處,例如獲勝,提升,雞蛋和其他有用的物品。 新代碼通常在開發人員的X帳戶或Discord服務器上發布。
Code | Reward |
vacation | 3x Stat Boost (5 hours) |
icecold | 3x Stat Boost (24 hours) |
jazzclub | 3x Stat Boost (12 hours) |
rewindtime | 3x Stat Boost (12 hours) |
tradeplazasoon | 3x Stat Boost (4 hours) |
supermembership | 3x Stat Boost (6 hours) |
slimeonallpets | 3x Stat Boost (2 hours) |
magicworld | 3x Stat Boost (6 hours) |
thecodehunt | 3x Stat Boost (2 hours) |
800mvisits | 3x Stat Boost (8 hours) |
doitagain | 3x Free Rebirth |
flames | 3x Stat Boost (4 hours) |
forging | 3x Stat Boost (3 hours) |
1million | 10% Stat Boost, 48 hours of 3x Wins, 2 Banana Seeds, 2 Apple Seeds |
merryxmas | 5% Stat Boost, all potions x10, 1,500 Candy Coins |
XMASUPDATESOON | +2,000 Season Pass XP, 5 hours of 2x Wins |
SEASON4 | +500 Season Pass XP, HIDDEN SURPRISE |
600mvisits | 5% Stat Boost |
rocket | 5% Stat Boost, 2 hours of 2x Wins |
Candy | 20K Candy |
5kreactions | +15% on all strengths |
ITSHULKTIME | +15% on all strengths |
500MILLION | 5 hours of 2x Wins |
LIKES | 5 hours of 2x Wins and 2x Luck |
bigupdatesoon | 10% Stat Boost |
Greek | 250 Wins |
THANKSFOR400M | Stat Boost and 2x Wins (5 hours) |
WEDNESDAY | Stat Boost and 2x Wins (5 hours) |
FIXED | +5% to Stats |
200m | +5% to Stats |
enchant | 3 Rebirths |
Leagues | Win Boost |
pinksandcastle | 1 Spin |
secret | Sand Egg |
gullible | 1 Wink |
knighty | 4 Wins |
noob | 1 Spin |
axel | 50 Wins |
- 打開手臂摔跤模擬器,單擊“存儲”按鈕(左側),然後單擊“代碼”按鈕(右右)。
- 在“輸入代碼”字段中輸入代碼。
- 單擊“驗證”。 通知證實了成功的贖回。 如果什麼都沒發生,代碼可能已過期。
不活動代碼已過期。 嘗試從列表中嘗試其他代碼,並驗證外部來源的代碼的有效性。