首页 新闻 顶臂摔跤模拟代码泄漏


by Violet Feb 10,2025

由Kubo Games开发的Roblox游戏Arm Wrestle Simulator,可以让您训练和参加Arm Wrestling比赛。 通过各种设备(例如哑铃,战斗老板和孵化宠物)从赚取的鸡蛋加速您的进度。


赎回代码可提供游戏中的好处,例如获胜,提升,鸡蛋和其他有用的物品。 新代码通常在开发人员的X帐户或Discord服务器上发布。

Code Reward
vacation 3x Stat Boost (5 hours)
icecold 3x Stat Boost (24 hours)
jazzclub 3x Stat Boost (12 hours)
rewindtime 3x Stat Boost (12 hours)
tradeplazasoon 3x Stat Boost (4 hours)
supermembership 3x Stat Boost (6 hours)
slimeonallpets 3x Stat Boost (2 hours)
magicworld 3x Stat Boost (6 hours)
thecodehunt 3x Stat Boost (2 hours)
800mvisits 3x Stat Boost (8 hours)
doitagain 3x Free Rebirth
flames 3x Stat Boost (4 hours)
forging 3x Stat Boost (3 hours)
1million 10% Stat Boost, 48 hours of 3x Wins, 2 Banana Seeds, 2 Apple Seeds
merryxmas 5% Stat Boost, all potions x10, 1,500 Candy Coins
XMASUPDATESOON +2,000 Season Pass XP, 5 hours of 2x Wins
600mvisits 5% Stat Boost
rocket 5% Stat Boost, 2 hours of 2x Wins
Candy 20K Candy
5kreactions +15% on all strengths
ITSHULKTIME +15% on all strengths
500MILLION 5 hours of 2x Wins
LIKES 5 hours of 2x Wins and 2x Luck
bigupdatesoon 10% Stat Boost
Greek 250 Wins
THANKSFOR400M Stat Boost and 2x Wins (5 hours)
WEDNESDAY Stat Boost and 2x Wins (5 hours)
FIXED +5% to Stats
200m +5% to Stats
enchant 3 Rebirths
Leagues Win Boost
pinksandcastle 1 Spin
secret Sand Egg
gullible 1 Wink
knighty 4 Wins
noob 1 Spin
axel 50 Wins


Arm Wrestle Simulator Code Redemption

  1. 打开手臂摔跤模拟器,单击“存储”按钮(左侧),然后单击“代码”按钮(右右)。
  2. 在“输入代码”字段中输入代码。
  3. 单击“验证”。 通知证实了成功的赎回。 如果什么都没发生,代码可能已过期。


不活动代码已过期。 尝试从列表中尝试其他代码,并验证外部来源的代码的有效性。

结论: ARM WRESTLE模拟器代码为您的进度提供了宝贵的奖励。 在它们到期之前及时兑换它们!

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